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Outdoor Games for Kids, Families, and Backyard Parties

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May 02, 2023

Bringing family games outdoors is a great way to spend time with your loved ones while enjoying the fresh air and longer days of the warmer months. We’ve got some ideas for games that not only promote physical activity but also provide an opportunity to bond with family members and strengthen relationships.

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Family Game Tips

Girl child doing colorful science experiment

STEM Challenges to Try With Ages 6+

Here are some ideas for STEM challenges you can try out for your kids ages 6+ - in the comfort of your own home! This results in fun and creative projects they can do almost anywhere.

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Here are some ideas for STEM challenges you can try out for your kids ages 6+ - in the comfort of your own home! This results in fun and creative projects they can do almost anywhere.

Child holding the butterfly and looking at the shadow created

DIY: Outdoor Shadow Art Activity With A Twist

This easy DIY takes full advantage of the summer weather, while teaching a child complex concepts. Include this in your child’s summer 2022 activities and give them the opportunity to learn about shadows with a fun twist!

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This easy DIY takes full advantage of the summer weather, while teaching a child complex concepts. Include this in your child’s summer 2022 activities and give them the opportunity to learn about shadows with a fun twist!

children cheering each other with superhero costumes and masks

Make a DIY Superhero Mask in 5 Simple Steps

Make your own superhero mask for your next round of pretend play. This superhero mask is a great addition to your children’s play routine and pairs perfectly with a superhero-themed game night!

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Make your own superhero mask for your next round of pretend play. This superhero mask is a great addition to your children’s play routine and pairs perfectly with a superhero-themed game night!

Two kids playing Guess in 10 Marvel edition

5 Superhero Games for 8 Year Olds

Here are 5 Superhero games you can organize for your next party - ideal for ages 8 and up! These games are a must add on if you are hosting a family game night!

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Here are 5 Superhero games you can organize for your next party - ideal for ages 8 and up! These games are a must add on if you are hosting a family game night!

Father and child playing in a park with superhero cape

Why Introducing Superheroes in Pretend Play Can be Beneficial

Playtime can stay fresh through dressing up, and using everyday objects as props for storytelling. A couch can instantly take on a new role as a tent, with the cushions positioned just right. When it comes to pretend play, the possibilities are endless! Read how to ignite superheroes within you with some pretend play activities!

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Playtime can stay fresh through dressing up, and using everyday objects as props for storytelling. A couch can instantly take on a new role as a tent, with the cushions positioned just right. When it comes to pretend play, the possibilities are endless! Read how to ignite superheroes within you with some pretend play activities!

kid doing space themed worksheets

Space Worksheets For Little Astronauts

Download free space themed printable for your little astronauts. Learn about planets , solar systems and star constellation through these free downloadable space worksheets

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Download free space themed printable for your little astronauts. Learn about planets , solar systems and star constellation through these free downloadable space worksheets

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