
Girl child doing colorful science experiment

STEM Challenges to Try With Ages 6+

Here are some ideas for STEM challenges you can try out for your kids ages 6+ - in the comfort of your own home! This results in fun and creative...

STEM Challenges to Try With Ages 6+

Here are some ideas for STEM challenges you can try out for your kids ages 6+ - in the comfort of your own home! This results in fun and creative...

Child holding the butterfly and looking at the shadow created

DIY: Outdoor Shadow Art Activity With A Twist

This easy DIY takes full advantage of the summer weather, while teaching a child complex concepts. Include this in your child’s summer 2022 activities and give them the opportunity to...

DIY: Outdoor Shadow Art Activity With A Twist

This easy DIY takes full advantage of the summer weather, while teaching a child complex concepts. Include this in your child’s summer 2022 activities and give them the opportunity to...

children cheering each other with superhero costumes and masks

Make a DIY Superhero Mask in 5 Simple Steps

Make your own superhero mask for your next round of pretend play. This superhero mask is a great addition to your children’s play routine and pairs perfectly with a superhero-themed...

Make a DIY Superhero Mask in 5 Simple Steps

Make your own superhero mask for your next round of pretend play. This superhero mask is a great addition to your children’s play routine and pairs perfectly with a superhero-themed...

Two kids playing Guess in 10 Marvel edition

5 Superhero Games for 8 Year Olds

Here are 5 Superhero games you can organize for your next party - ideal for ages 8 and up! These games are a must add on if you are hosting...

5 Superhero Games for 8 Year Olds

Here are 5 Superhero games you can organize for your next party - ideal for ages 8 and up! These games are a must add on if you are hosting...

Father and child playing in a park with superhero cape

Why Introducing Superheroes in Pretend Play Can...

Playtime can stay fresh through dressing up, and using everyday objects as props for storytelling. A couch can instantly take on a new role as a tent, with the cushions...

Why Introducing Superheroes in Pretend Play Can...

Playtime can stay fresh through dressing up, and using everyday objects as props for storytelling. A couch can instantly take on a new role as a tent, with the cushions...

kid doing space themed worksheets

Space Worksheets For Little Astronauts

Download free space themed printable for your little astronauts. Learn about planets , solar systems and star constellation through these free downloadable space worksheets

Space Worksheets For Little Astronauts

Download free space themed printable for your little astronauts. Learn about planets , solar systems and star constellation through these free downloadable space worksheets