Must-Have STEM Toys & Gifts for 8 Year Olds

The best way to nurture a curious child’s mind is through fun and games! Before urging them to hit the physics textbooks or create their own science experiments, choose some STEM activities that meet them where they are - through play!

Take them to museums, visit the local library, or watch the stars or an eclipse in your backyard under the stars where their eyes are sure to widen at the wondrous science at work all around them. 

👉 Quick link: Math Games and Activities

While many academic programs these days are emphasizing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) programs, you may be wondering whether eight years old is too soon to introduce your child to such advanced concepts. However, studies show that kids start taking a serious interest in their hobbies around the age of 8. Tamara Moore, professor at Purdue University and the executive director of Inspire, a research institute in their School of Engineering Education says that it's important to “capture their imagination” at this stage of growth. According to Moore, this age is when the “first spark” ignites and kids start to understand that it is possible for them to be scientists or engineers when they grow up. Exploring STEM topics and ideas through fun and engaging activities will help them develop perspective not only on their place in the universe, but also help them understand that with enough dedication, they can take up a profession that changes the world for the better.

Educational Toys: The Fun Side of Learning

Skillmatics’ award-winning products are thoughtfully designed by our team of educators and game designers to provide you with the right tools to encourage your child’s learning every step of the way. This takes the pressure off you as a parent and allows your child to develop an enjoyable connection to the world of STEM.

These toys break down complex ideas and subjects into simple activities, so learning simply happens along the way.

Skillmatics Buildables

Boy playing with the buildables

There’s nothing quite like giving your child the tools to create! Watch them fall in love with engineering as they play with our buildables. Have your little one build their own Hydraulic Launcher to shoot off into space, or have them creatively blend tech and prehistory with our Dinosaur X Robot. Our 3D Spy Glasses are durable enough to withstand daily use and teach concepts related to light and color filters. Give them the space to explore the many features of each toy so they can find the STEM concepts that interest them the most. 

The key learning outcomes of our STEM Buildables include problem solving, construction, and analytical skills. In playing with them regularly, your child will develop skills to follow instructions. Plus, each buildable is designed to be challenging yet easy enough to put together without much adult help, giving your child a healthy dose of independence as they learn along the way.

Guess in 10: Deadly Dinosaurus

Help your little one discover the wonders of prehistoric life as they play this dinosaur-themed game! This card game allows them to learn the names of vastly different species of dinosaurs, all while they have fun competing to win. 

Guess in 10: Deadly Dinosaurs can be played across age groups, making it a great one for the whole family. Playing together will help your little one develop social and communication skills, plus, it’s a great way to maintain or reopen the healthy habitat of open dialogue between parents and kids. Beyond that, the game will challenge everyone playing to take on problems, make decisions, and practice creative thinking!

Newton’s Tree

Newtons tree kept on the table and kids playing around

Newton’s Tree is a super fun game of balance, skill and strategy. Strategically stack trunks, add branches, and use your sense of physics to keep things balanced as you add and pluck apples and move Newton around without causing your tree to tumble down! While introducing scientific concepts in a practical way, Newton’s Tree also boosts your little one’s fine motor skills, specifically strengthening their hand eye coordination and cognitive skills while they build their tree. The interactive aspect of the games also allows for your child to build their interpersonal skills while playing with others.

It's important to understand that learning isn’t simply one dimensional - everything your child encounters is an opportunity for them to observe, react and internalize. Remember: every child learns at their own pace, so make sure that no matter what they’re playing, you continue to raise the bar and challenge your child once things get too easy and familiar. Explore our range of age appropriate educational toys and more at Skillmatics - celebrate birthdays and other milestones with these fun and engaging STEM toys that will have your child shooting for the moon!

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